Japanese with Kazutoshi
For reviews, please visit our ‘Testimonials’ page, or for more information about Kazutoshi, read on. For our class postponement, cancellation, absences, and refund policy, please see bottom:
Hi there! I’m Kazu.
I grew up in Oita, Japan. I’ve worked in quite a few different areas—one of which is teaching Japanese to students wanting to work in Japan or study at a Japanese university.
To become a teacher, I attended and passed the ‘Human Academy Japanese Language Teacher Course’ in Fukuoka City (please feel free to check out my certificate). I met Dr. Haynes in 2018, when he took a Japanese course in Fukuoka, and we’ve been friends ever since.
日本語教師になる為に、福岡市のヒューマンアカデミーの日本語教師コースを受講し卒業しました。(私の日本語教師コースの資格証を参照下さい)2018年にDr. Haynesが福岡市で日本語コースを受講していた時に彼に出会い、その時をきっかけに友人になりました。
Many of the students I taught passed the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) and successfully found work or enrolled at a university in Japan. The nationalities of the students were diverse, ranging from European to Taiwanese, and I learned a lot about the cultures of those countries from my students.
私が教えた沢山の生徒は JLPT(日本語能力試験)に合格し、幸運にも仕事を見つけたり、日本の大学に進学することが出来ました。生徒の国籍は多様で、ヨーロッパから台湾まで様々でした。また彼らから独自の国の文化を、学ぶ機会も得ることができました。
Aside from teaching, I love to travel, and have been to the UK and Taiwan many times, and have a special love for Taichung in Taiwan. I’m happy that I’ve been able to make many many friends from both the UK and Taiwan and that we still keep in touch with each other. If I get the chance, in the future, I would like to travel somewhere different in the UK like the Lake District or Scotland.
教えることの他に、私は旅行が好きで、イギリスや台湾にも数回行っており、台湾の台中には特に好感が持てました。イギリスや台湾で友達が増えたことをとても嬉しく思い、未だに彼らとは連絡を取り合う関係です。もし機会があれば、イギリスでまだ行ったことがない地域、Lake District やScotlandに行ってみたいですね。
I am delighted to be working with Anthony and to be joining the team at CherryTree Consulting. I look forward to helping you in your Japanese journey.
私は、Anthonyと働けること、又、CherryTree Consultingに所属できることを大変嬉しく思います。皆様の日本の旅をサポート出来る日を楽しみにしてます。
Class postponement, cancellation, absences, and refund policy:
Students may postpone a class to a different date if they notify CherryTree Consulting within 24 hours of the scheduled class time (a full day before the class). A class may be postponed one time, after which, if the student does not attend at the scheduled time, they will not be eligible to further postpone a class.
Students will be charged the full cost of class fees if they wish to cancel a class within 24 hours of the class (a full day before the class), but will be able to book another class for 50% of the class fee.
If the student does not attend a class and has not notified CherryTree Consulting of their wish to postpone the class 24 hours within the scheduled time of the class (a full day before a class), they will not be eligible to postpone the class or receive a refund.